Frequency-Curves (Eqf1..8) | Your source equalizer curves. When you click on the PopUp-Symbol a filerequester appears to let you choose an equalizer preset. These can bemade with the Equalize-FFT operator. |
X-Axis (P1) | location of the point on the X-axis |
Y-Axis (P2) | location of the point on the Y-axis |
Z-Axis (P3) | location of the point on the Z-axis |
Path | This area shows the path of the curve inside the cube. During thecalculation a point will wander along the curve from one end to the other.The distance of the point to the corners defines how much of the equalizershape assigned to that corner effects the result equalizer shape. With the "View" gadget, you can choose from where to look on the cubeand with "Prec." you choose how detailed the curve will be drawn. |
Window (W1) | what windowfunction to use |
Bands | Just how many bands should SFX use. Less Bands means less math, but you lose out on accuracy. |
Steps | SFX does a transformation every sample-values. Lower values mean better quallity butlonger calculation. Steps can no be bigger than the half of the number of bands. |